Tag: church scorecard

  • Isn’t Collecting Church Metrics Unspiritual? It Depends…

    Isn’t Collecting Church Metrics Unspiritual? It Depends…

    I’ve heard objections over the years about collecting church metrics. The hardest one to wrestle down is this: counting things at church is somehow sinful, prideful, or otherwise unspiritual. I’ve seen collecting church metrics result in fueling excitement, growth and outreach. I’ve seen it send pastors into depression and kill the morale of a Launch […]

  • Church Metrics will Help You Avoid this Mistake

    Church Metrics will Help You Avoid this Mistake

    Measuring a few important things on a church metrics scorecard will help you in a few important ways. Not the least of which is keeping you from making myth-based decisions. Years ago on a plane ride, I watched a documentary about the invention of the M16 rifle. I thought it was a completely random time-filler, […]