Exponential East Main Session 1: The Practice of MULTIPLICATION THINKING

The practice of multiplication thinking is a shift from thinking ministry happens through my own leadership to thinking ministry happens through multiplied leaders. This is a shift: move from thinking that the best way to maximize ministry is through your own efforts to understanding that it is through developing the leadership of others. Jesus practiced multiplication thinking. -Exponential

Exponential East Main Session 1

Albert Tate

Based on the story of Mary & Martha: We need to learn to think differently!

  • There’s a greater thing for you to choose
  • If you want to change my thinking, you gotta call out the tension – a part of me wants to be the hero
  • If I want to see fruit growing on other people’s trees, I need to repent of that arrogance
  • You’ll have opportunities to win that you’ll need to pass on to your team so that they can win
  • Don’t get stuck in ministry in the kitchen and miss the better thing

Are you investing in your resume or your eulogy (legacy)? At your funeral, nobody’s going to talk about or be impressed by your resume. What’s going to matter is the people that you invested in.

Andy Stanley

Are you sure you want to become a hero maker? Do you really want to put the generation coming behind you ahead of you?

It is safer and more financially profitable to you if you don’t become a hero maker. It will cost you.

It’s not intuitive to give away your:

  • Life
  • Leadership
  • Opportunity
  • Spotlight

Your glory is too small a thing for you to live for.

If you don’t become a multiplying leader and hero maker, eventually you will become a strange pastor. You become the blockage in the bowel system – everything backs up behind you, the body gets sick, and it’s the leader’s fault.

From Mark 10:

You know how it works in the world where one person is on top and everyone underneath them serves them? All their resources flow to the top. That’s why everyone wants to get to the top.

Jesus said, “Not so with you.”

On Mutual Submission

Andy’s working definition:

  • I’m here to facilitate your success regardless of where our names appear on the org chart
  • While our responsibilities differ, we are both essential to the success of this organization
  • [the leader should be the first one to ask] What can I do to help?



